Hello and welcome! Passion fruit is one of my favorite fruits, but it’s not super easy to find them at the grocery store. You can imagine my excitement when I saw them at my local Publix. I bought 15 passion fruits. The grocery clerk said, “you know these are priced per fruit, not the pound, right?” I sheepishly said, “yes, I know.” Feeling embarrassingly fancy for spending 60 dollars on fruit. The rarity of finding fresh passion fruit at the grocery store was so special for me, that I might as well have been buying a tomahawk steak or something. At least, that’s how I justified the purchase of my 15, perfect little passion fruits.

This recipe for Passion Fruit Mousse calls for a cup of passion fruit pulp or juice, plus another 1/3 cup for the topping and there is a cheaper way to go about getting a cup and a third of passion fruit juice. You can buy Alpes Passion Fruit Pulp on Amazon. The Alpes pulp still has the seeds, so you will have to take this first step to extract the juice from the seeds.
Passion Fruit Juice for the Mousse

Set up a fine mesh strainer over a sturdy bowl and scoop the pulp out of the passion fruits and place in the strainer. Then we will use a rubber spatula or wooden spoon to press, spread and scrape the pulp into the strainer. This is going to be an arm workout.
Mash the pulp into the strainer. See the difference between juiced and fresh pulp.
I started by using a rubber spatula, but switched to a wooden spoon to get more leverage. It might seem like you aren’t getting enough of the juice out of the pulp, but you can see the difference between the juiced pulp and more fresh pulp I added to the strainer. We are looking for 1 cup of juice. Be sure to run the spatula over the underside of the strainer periodically; a lot of the juice will cling to the strainer. For one cup of juice, I used 13 passion fruits. The Alpes pulp sells for $15 on Amazon, so…going with that is a more affordable option.
Passion Fruit Mousse

The rest of this recipe is so easy, it makes up for the arm workout we just had extracting the juice. Two teaspoons of unflavored gelatin, 1 14-ounce can of sweetened condensed milk and 1 and 1/3 cups of heavy cream. Start by pouring 1/4 cup water into a small bowl with the gelatin and microwave for 20-30 seconds to dissolve the gelatin.
Dissolved gelatin. Strain the passion fruit juice as it goes into the blender.
While we let the gelatin cool off a little, pour the rest of the ingredients into a blender. Strain the passion fruit juice as you pour it into the blender, just in case there are any stray seeds. Put the top on the blender and blend for 5 minutes. It’s important to blend it for a full 5 minutes because we want a lot of air whipped in to create a light and airy mixture.

This volume of mousse mixture will make four, 8-ounce mousses, with a little bit leftover for a chef’s treat.

Once the four cups are filled, refrigerate for three hours, until set. You can also let them sit in the fridge overnight before topping and serving.
Passion Fruit Syrup
While the mousse cups set, we can make the passion fruit topping. The topping will have the seeds in it for a nice texture difference. The seeds have a little crunch that contrasts the smooth mousse. In a small sauce pan over medium heat, pour in 1/3 passion fruit pulp and 1/4 cup white sugar.
Pulp and sugar. Cook over medium heat, stir occasionally. Reduce heat and let thicken.
When the mixture begins to bubble and the sugar is melted, reduce the heat and let it simmer for another minute or two, until the mixture has thickened and will coat the back of a spoon. Remove from heat, transfer the topping to a jar, let it cool a bit and it can go in the fridge until you’re ready to serve the mousse.

Finishing Touches on the Mousse
When the mousse has set and you’re ready to serve, top each mousse with a little of the topping. I like to keep the topping in the center of the mousse, so you can see some of the bright yellow mousse around the topping.
Mousse, ready to top. Sppon on a little of the topping.

Then, finally, top the topping with a little sweetened shredded coconut. This is optional, but I think it looks really nice to have the bright white of the coconut contrasting with the yellow mousse and orange topping.
Top with shredded coconut. Finished presentation.
This Mousse is so light, the texture is creamy and smooth. The passion fruit flavor is extraordinary! Such a wonderful dessert, the tart passion fruit is a great palate cleanser after a rich meal. The passion fruit topping is zingy, and the pops of crunch from the seeds is a nice contrast with the silky mousse.

Passion Fruit Mousse
Passion Fruit Mousse is a popular, well-loved dessert in Brazil, which I learned when I came across this recipe on Olivia’s Cuisine. The method I line out for extracting the juice from the seeds is different than how Olivia describes removing the seeds, but otherwise the recipe is the same. Olivia describes blending the pulp with a little water for a few minutes to separate the seeds, then using the fine mesh strainer. When I tried this though, many of the seeds got ground up into bits, resulting in seed fragments that were small enough to go through the mesh strainer.

Passion fruit season is right now, so look out for them at the grocery store. You can also order fresh passion fruits from Tropical Fruit Box, or for a more economical option, go for the Alpes pulp on Amazon. I do hope you give this recipe a try, if you’re a fan of passion fruit, this dessert should be at the top your list! If you want another tropical sweet, try my Tropical Mango Danishes. See you tomorrow for Pizza and a Movie; featuring another end-of-summer fruit: the fig. Take care and be well, xo Kelly
Passion Fruit Mousse
Exquisitely-flavored Passion Fruit Mousse is tart and sweet; light and creamy. Topped with a zingy passion fruit syrup and shredded coconut.
- 1 cup Passion Fruit Juice
- 2 tsp. Unflavored Gelatin
- 1/4 cup Water
- 1 1/3 cup Heavy Cream
- 1 14-oz. can Sweetened Condensed Milk
- Passion Fruit Syrup Topping
- 1/3 cup Passion Fruit Pulp with Seeds
- 1/4 cup White Granulated Sugar
- Garnish
- Shredded Sweetened Coconut
To extract the juice from the seeds, scoop pulp into a fine mesh strainer; scrape and press the pulp into the strainer. Be sure to run the spatula over the underside of the strainer periodically; a lot of the juice will cling to the strainer.
Mix gelatin and water in a small bowl and microwave for 20-30 seconds to dissolve gelatin. Set aside to cool slightly.
Add the passion fruit juice, heavy cream, sweetened condensed milk and dissolved gelatin to a blender. Blend on high for 5 minutes.
Pour the mousse mixture into a large serving bowl or four individual 8-ounce glasses and chill for 3 hours.
Passion Fruit Syrup Topping
Combine passion fruit pulp with seeds and sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to a low boil over medium heat and reduce heat to simmer until mixture thickens to coat the back of a spoon.
Transfer to a small jar and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until ready to use.
To Serve Mousse
Top the set mousse with the passion fruit syrup and sprinkle with shredded coconut.
September 2, 2021 at 9:39 amThey look really good, I don’t think I have ever had passion fruit. I’ll keep you posted on this one ❤️Mom
Kelly Djalali
September 2, 2021 at 12:15 pmI think you will like passion fruit, Mom. It’s really tart and delicious! xo Kelly
September 2, 2021 at 2:43 pmI have never had passion fruit either, but it looks really good in this recipe. Wegmans app says they carry it and they are $2.99 each, but that app lies constantly. It’s still telling me they have romanesco in stock, and I don’t know anyone who has managed to find that. It doesn’t matter if something is in season or not, they will claim it’s in stock, and they will also say something is out of stock when it is right there. I do not know if this is whimsy on their part, or a desire to drive me mad, although I strongly lean towards the latter theory. I think I will save myself the aggravation and go with the passion pulp from Amazon! As someone who obsessively buys what she likes in massive quantities, I applaud the purchase of 15 passion fruits, and I suspect you made the clerk’s day. He/she will never stop talking about it. I once found a pair of shoes I liked in two different colors and couldn’t decide which to buy, so I bought two pair for me and two for my daughter. The clerk asked if I knew they were different sizes and I said my feet were two different sizes. That seemed to make sense to her, although she kept looking at my feet unable to decide if I were messing with her. No doubt she needed therapy after that, but my daughter and I wore those shoes for years!
Kelly Djalali
September 2, 2021 at 3:44 pmThat’s a funny story, Mari! The clerk and I did have a conversation about the passion fruit, she had never had one either. I know a lot of folks who really love Wegmens, I am sorry they don’t ever seem to have the Romanesco – that is such a let down! Do you have a farmer’s market or a co-op in your town? They might have Romanesco…Have a wonderful end to your week, I am already looking forward to your thoughts on tomorrow’s pizza 🙂 Take care, xo Kelly
September 2, 2021 at 5:48 pmSorry if I missed this, but how many passion fruits are needed to get the 1 cup of purée?
Kelly Djalali
September 2, 2021 at 11:46 pmHi Jann, it took 13 passion fruits to make 1 cup, but each fruit has a different amount of pulp so it’s hard to gauge exactly how many fruits it would take to get 1 cup of juice. I hope that helps! xo Kelly
September 2, 2021 at 7:07 pmHave you tried growing passionfruit? We’ve grown them at several different places we have lived in. They grow on a vine and the flowers are beautiful. At one house we buried about a kilo of prawn shells under the vine and it took off! The poor plant didn’t know if it should flower, grow leaves or what. We’ve just grown them along a fence in a sunny position. They do have one problem – suddenly, after several years and for no obvious reason, they die. I used to freeze the pulp in ice cube trays and when frozen put them into a plastic box in the freezer so you can thaw small amounts.
Kelly Djalali
September 2, 2021 at 11:53 pmHello Kenzie, I haven’t grown passion fruits, yet. But I have always been in love with their flowers. I have read that they can be short-lived plants, though. Even if I could grow some that didn’t yield fruit, I would love to have them in my garden just for the beautiful flowers. Prawn shells is a great fertilizer, I used to use fish emulsion when I lived in Alaska, so I plan on using it when we get our garden going next year – bonus is not having to worry about bears being attracted to the fish emulsion here in suburban Georgia! I love your suggestion about freezing the pulp in ice cube trays, that’s really brilliant! Thanks so much for reaching out, have a wonderful end to your week! xo Kelly