Hello, welcome to Djalali Cooks! Well, here we are two days into Fall and since you can’t fight nature, I have decided to embrace the shorter days and the cooler temperatures. Before we know it the holiday season will be upon us and baked treats will occupy our ovens. Today I have rounded up a few of the perfect-for-Fall baked goods recipes we have featured so far on Djalali Cooks. So, let’s get ready for Fall Baking!
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins

It usually takes me until November to be in the mood for sweet pumpkin recipes, but I know many of you are excited to envelope your senses in the warm and comforting embrace of pumpkin spice-everything. So today, I wanted to share this recipe for Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins. This recipe was the first recipe to appear on Djalali Cooks last year. It’s my favorite sweet pumpkin recipe, so I hope you give this one a try and enjoy the sweet flavors of Fall!
Neapolitan Semolina Cake with Citrus and Cardamom

This recipe was featured back in June, but the citrus and warm cardamom flavor is right at home in the Fall. This cake is like a cross between cake and flan; its texture is dense and creamy, yet it’s light and refreshing. The flavor is only lightly sweet, perfumed with citrus, vanilla and spice.
Campari Olive Oil Cake

This cake is pretty amazing. It’s not super sweet; it has wonderful bittersweet citrus notes from the grapefruit and the Campari, and is perfectly balanced with the orange and lemon flavors. The exterior develops a gorgeous golden, crunchy crust that gives way to a beautifully scented, moist interior.
Spiced Banana Cake

I have mentioned it here before, but Alex and I rarely eat sweets. However, I have been wanting to practice baking, because I am not very good at it! So today we have a Spiced Banana Cake with a Brown Butter Cream Cheese Frosting. This cake has a very mellow sweetness and a light banana flavor. It kind of reminds me of a fancier way to have banana bread.
Thank you for spending some of your Thursday with me as we look back to some fall baking favorites on Djalali Cooks. What are you favorite baked goods for fall? Let me know in the comments. And don’t forget you can follow me on Pinterest, to keep all the Djalali Cooks recipes in one convenient spot. Take care and be well, everyone! xo Kelly
September 23, 2021 at 10:02 amI love the variety you picked the pumpkin. Cream cheese is a favorite here when I make it for my neighbors. The Neapolitan semolina I haven’t made but looks delicious I love cardamom. I haven’t made your campari olive oil cake but that too looks amazing. I will put these in my round up for fall baking . Have a great Thursday ❤️Mom
Kelly Djalali
September 23, 2021 at 10:11 amHi Mom, You will really like the Campari Cake, it’s so good! xo Kelly
Beth Crawford
September 23, 2021 at 12:50 pmThese all look delicious ! I am gluten free so I will have to make some adjustments but I’m looking forward to trying them soon !
Kelly Djalali
September 23, 2021 at 1:29 pmHi Beth, Do let me know how your gluten-free versions turn out for you! xo Kelly
September 23, 2021 at 12:53 pmLots of good recipes to try. I look forward to it.
September 23, 2021 at 1:01 pmThank you thank you thank you for these lovely recipes. Everyone else is overwhelming me with apple, cinnamon, cookies, crumbles, and pumpkin pies. I like pumpkin in muffins or cake, but I have never cared for pumpkin pie, which my pie loving family doesn’t understand. Another cool rainy day here, so baking seems like a really good idea. I will be making the muffins which look amazing, so I’m sure people will be inhaling them as soon as they are out of the oven. If anyone has not made the spiced banana cake, they are in for a real treat. I made it three times this summer and it was a hit every time. The cakes both look wonderful. Like your mom, I am a fan of cardamom. I love cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cloves, but cardamom is lovely in its own right. I’m always happy to see it in a recipe. I know we are almost out of a hot summer’s clutches, and the warm weather of Indian Summer is approaching, but I’m not quite ready yet for old man winter. This summer has been a challenging and sad one for our family, as it has been for almost everyone. No one has died, but a beloved family member has been increasingly ill for many years We have made a difficult decision we didn’t ever want to make. In some ways it’s a relief, and in others, it feels like a betrayal. Sometimes the best and logical option feels like the worst. Nursing homes are much better than they were, but it was hard to get to that point. In many ways, my beloved husband is a child, and he will never get better. All we know is what we don’t know. He may have very little time left, or he might have more. I am so grateful for this blog. It is a safe haven where I can go and learn something new, and have fun, and to forget for a brief time. Thank you for being there. We are all a large and happy, mostly functional extended family, and it’s great. Please don’t anyone say you’re sorry, but smile for me and say a prayer. Both would be greatly appreciated. I may not be here as frequently as before, but like the Terminator, I’ll be back. ❤️??
Kelly Djalali
September 23, 2021 at 1:52 pmHello Mari, How difficult this time must be for you and your family. I interpret your words to mean that your husband has Alzheimer’s and/or dementia. Apologies if I am incorrect, but if I am correct, I can tell you that my family has gone through this in recent years and (my Mom especially) can understand. For our family it was my maternal grandfather. His wife, my grandmother is 95 and experiencing dementia now. My Mom was his caregiver and is her caregiver now; it is an incredibly difficult job, one that takes its toll on the caregivers. I understand how you feel about your decision, but it’s important you know that you have to preserve your mental and physical health as you strive to give your husband the best care he needs.
I am so happy you find some solace, or distraction from your fears and worries, in this blog and the community of readers who stop by here. Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out, we are all here for you, Mari! Alex and I are smiling and saying a prayer for you and your family. xo Kelly
September 23, 2021 at 3:55 pmYou were right. He has Levy Body Dementia, which means symptoms of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s dementia. Your mom is a strong woman to go through it twice, because it is extremely wearing physically and emotionally. Thank you so much for your understanding, smiles and prayers. Pass my smiles and prayers on to your wonderful mother. Much love to you, Alex and Terry.
September 23, 2021 at 2:44 pmKelly, three wonderful recipes in one post. They are all so elegant and enticing. I’m going to make the pumpkin first as I love cream cheese and usually pumkin breads and muffins are a little too “pumpkiny” for me. I posted all three to my pinterest board to take action later! I also love cardamon and would love to see more recipes using it. By the way, your pictures are gorgeous!
Kelly Djalali
September 23, 2021 at 2:55 pmHi Connie, I am so happy you pinned these recipes! I am also glad you like the images, I have a lot fun shooting the pictures. ? Thanks so much for stopping by today, xo Kelly