Hello! Welcome everyone. Today’s post is less of a recipe and more of a strategy. This is an easy way to prepare the components for breakfast sandwiches when you have a house full of family or friends. Everyone is on their own vacation schedule; waking late, or heading out for early bike rides. I can get everything hot and ready, so everyone can breeze in at their leisure, build their sandwich and have a hearty start to the day’s activities. So let’s do it: Breakfast Sandwiches for a Group.

To begin, set the oven to broil and place one oven rack in the center-top position and one on the bottom position. My cookware here is pretty limited, but I have one very large frying pan and two sheet pans, which will work out perfectly for this breakfast sandwich.
Kielbasa Sausage
I am preparing this breakfast for four people, but it’s super easy to scale this up. I have four kielbasa sausages that I have sliced lengthwise to flatten them, but they are not cut all the way through. A long kielbasa cut into sandwich-length pieces, then halved lengthwise will work too. Over medium heat, brown the cut sides of the sausages. Sausages work well for this preparation rather than bacon. Bacon can quickly go from perfectly cooked to overdone while it’s keeping warm in the oven.
I want to brown the cut sides, then transfer these sausages to a sheet pan and place them on the bottom rack in the oven. Since the oven is set to broil, these sausages will be far away enough from the heating element to warm through but not burn.

Cheese Toast
While the sausage is browning, place slices of bread on a second sheet pan. I have very large slices of sourdough. Each slice will make up both sides of the sandwich. This way, I can fit just t he right number of bread slices on the small sheet pan.

Place the sheet pan with the bread on the center-top rack of the oven. Lightly toast the bread – keep an eye on it. Since it’s not directly under the heating element it will take a few minutes. Once it’s lightly toasted, pull the tray and flip the slices over. place two slices of cheese, I have provolone, on each slice of bread. Set this aside until we get the eggs going – it won’t take long for the cheese to melt.

The Eggs
Since our large frying pan is now empty, we can use it for the eggs. If your family prefers scrambled eggs, then your job is even easier! I wanted to do eggs with slightly runny yolks. Over medium-low heat, melt one tablespoon of butter in the large skillet and crack the eggs directly in the skillet. Once the whites begin to set and turn opaque, cover the skillet. It will take about 3 minutes for the egg whites to fully cook and for the yolks to become jammy. As soon as you cover the skillet, pop the tray with the cheese toast back into the oven.
Keep an eye on the eggs, and the cheese toast. When the cheese is melted, pull the toast and cut each sourdough slice in half on the short side.

Set the halved cheese toasts back on their sheet tray and pull the sausages out. The four eggs will have likely become one, so slide the eggs onto a cutting board and just slice the group of eggs in half, and half again – avoiding the yolks, so you have four individual fried eggs. Slide those eggs onto the tray with the sausages.
Breakfast Sandwiches for a Group
Cheese toast with sausage. Put an egg on it.
Set out some plates and hot sauce, then ring that breakfast bell because breakfast is served! Let everyone build their own sandwich and enjoy!

Like I mentioned at the top, this is less of a recipe and more of a strategy to serve up hearty breakfast sandwiches for a group, without too much work on the cook’s part. It all comes together in less than 20 minutes, from start to finish, but is forgiving enough so that you don’t feel rushed, or stressed about things not being ready at the same time.

Breakfast sandwiches are a regular thing here and in my life, if the same is true for you and you aren’t cooking for a group, or just want to get a little fancier, check out: The Perfect Breakfast Sandwich, or Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich. Give me a follow on Instagram, too! Take care and be well everyone! xo Kelly
Breakfast Sandwiches for a Group
Today's post is less of a recipe and more of a strategy – an easy way to prepare the components for breakfast sandwiches when you have a full house.
- 4 Kielbasa Sausages, sliced lengthwise, but not all the way through
- 4 Large, Wide Slices of Sourdough Bread
- 8 slices Provolone Cheese
- 4 Eggs
- Butter
Preheat oven to broil and set one oven rack in the center-top position and one oven rack on the bottom position.
Over medium/medium high heat, brown the cut sides of the sausages, about 4 minutes. Then transfer sausages, cut side down, to a sheet pan and place on the bottom rack in the oven.
Place four slices of sourdough bread on a sheet pan and place on the center-top oven rack. Lightly toast bread, about 2-3 minutes.
Remove bread from oven and flip each slice over so the toasted side in down on the pan. Cover each slice of sourdough with 2 slices of provolone cheese and set aside until the eggs are cooking.
In the now-empty sausage skillet, melt one tablespoon of butter over medium-low heat.
Crack all four eggs into the skillet. When the whites set and begin to turn opaque, cover the skillet and let cook for about three minutes.
Meanwhile, as soon as the cover goes on the eggs, place the provolone-topped sourdough slices back into the oven on the center-top rack. Let cheese melt, about 3 minutes. Remove the eggs from heat.
When cheese is melted transfer the sausage sheet tray and the cheese toast sheet tray from the oven. Slice each piece of sourdough in half, on the short side.
If the egg whites have cooked together to form one piece, slide the eggs onto a cutting board, slice the group in half (avoiding the yolks) and in half again to get 4 individual fried eggs. Gently transfer the eggs to the sheet tray with the sausages. Serve right from the sheet trays, letting everyone build their own sandwich.
August 18, 2021 at 8:41 amThis looks delicious this would also be a nice lite dinner I’ll keep you posted ❤️Mom
Kelly Djalali
August 18, 2021 at 9:18 amHi Mom, It would be great any time of day! maybe you can do it for one of your Sunday Suppers, with a side salad. xo Kelly
August 18, 2021 at 1:11 pmBreakfast lunch or dinner! My son just asked if we could have them tonight, and being a softie I said yes. He worked from home all week, so he has ample opportunity to glance at what I’m up to. And then he tells me what I’m going to be up to later! These look so good. Any time I see a picture with melting cheese, I am there.. Just so you know, I’m getting a jar of Bonne Maman fig preserves for when the liver pate recipe goes up. I am being prepared and I love figs anyway. When I was a child, I ignored Oreos, but fig bars were my weakness. My sister and brothers thought I was crazy, but I got all the fig bars, which wasn’t the least bit crazy! ?
Kelly Djalali
August 18, 2021 at 1:18 pmHi Mari! I love fig bars too! Such an underrated cookie. Good call on the fig preserves…nothing like being prepared! Let me know how y’all like the breakfast-for-dinner sandwiches. It’s hard to beat cheese toast with sausage and egg! So good to hear from you, Mari – have a great Wednesday! xo Kelly
August 18, 2021 at 9:12 pmThese went over really well. Now the guys want them again for breakfast tomorrow! It’s always nice when something is so easy to make and so good. I have a very annoying virus that doesn’t want to leave, so I didn’t get to try these yet. When I can’t eat an egg, you know I’m sick. This is quick and perfect for a hot day when you don’t want to spend time in the kitchen, but I think this would also be perfect in the dead of winter when you want something that’s quick and comforting. I hope your weather is better than ours. It’s hot and it has rained every day. The birds don’t like storms, so my little guy tucks under my chin and gets petted and spoiled until he falls asleep. When he wakes up he stays there and snuggles. He likes eggs so he would probably have liked to get into this sandwich!
Kelly Djalali
August 19, 2021 at 8:26 amGood morning, Mari. I am so glad the sandwiches were a hit! It’s a great sandwich for any time of the year. Your little bird sounds so cute; what kind of bird is he? Our weather on Tybee has been hit or miss, some days have been rainy and stormy with Tropical Storm Fred’s outer bands, but it’s really been a daily mix of sun, clouds and rain – still very hot though! I do hope you feel better soon! Take care, xo Kelly
Barbara Lacy
August 18, 2021 at 11:05 pmI liked this info, thank you
Kelly Djalali
August 19, 2021 at 8:20 amMy pleasure, Barbara. I am so happy you found it helpful. Thanks so much! xo Kelly
August 19, 2021 at 9:25 pmMy bird is a green cheek conure. They are one of the smallest of the parrot family. Conures are very engaging and personable, and they can be really mischievous. Our little guy is named Nicholas, and he can talk somewhat. When he wants someone, and doesn’t care who comes, he yells Ian, because he hears me calling for Ian, so he thinks all humans are called Ian. If he specifically wants me, he yells Baby. He also says Little Bittle Baby. If he wants Ian, he yells Hey Buddy! Ian also has a cockatiel, named Tiberius. If he wants Tiberius, he yells Baby Ian, and imitates Tiberius’s flock cry. He also makes laughing noises, He can also imitate the sound of the timer on my microwave. He has learned how to open his cage, so he spends his days with his people. Even though he can fly really well, he prefers to hitch a ride on us, and see what we are doing. He loves peanut butter, and if he sees a jar of it, he will jump up and down on the lid. He will also try and eat anything we have, so we have to try and keep him away when we are eating.
Kelly Djalali
August 20, 2021 at 9:09 amNicholas sounds like such a character! Birds are amazing animals. We have quite a variety in our yard. I love to watch them and make up stories about their lives. I got a bird book so I could learn to identify the less obvious varieties. How cool that Nicholas can talk a bit!
August 20, 2021 at 10:13 amI love it that you make up stories about your bird friends. We do too. Mostly our birds are sarcastic, obnoxious, and mischievous, just like we are! Nick and Ti love watching the outside birds, so they get incorporated into our flights of fancy too. My daughter in law’s father died some years ago, but when she is feeling especially sad or misses him, a cardinal shows up in their garden. Whenever we see one, we say it’s Mr. H.